About Me

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Michigan, United States
So...Im just a girl at the age of 18, trying to figure out my life. Out of High School and not knowing where to go next, I hope that this blog will help me discover what Gods purpose is in my life, while adding a little humor and Gabi-like fun into my entries. I know I want to do something in life where I can express myself, because thats important to me. I have a huge imagination that I want to be able to use in this world, and I hope my Alice In Wonderland inspired blog is just another step in helping me do so.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Plan in Process

I have this little plan k? Where my life starts to mean something. I dont want this to sound like I want you to pity me or anything, Im just simply stating the fact that for right now, I think my life has hit a slump. Moving in with my grandparents wasnt a mistake, but it wasnt as easy as I thought it would be. There are things I need to do, such as GET A JOB. Thats my number one priority, no matter what job it is I really need to get one that simply puts money in my pocket. At this point, im going job crazy, applying to every place I see that isnt too far. Once I have a job, I can get a car, and I will have transportation to see the people I love, while using extra money for things I want to do and save up for. 
I've been praying of course, like crazy. No answer yet, but im not giving up. I've fought through my whole life for things, and this is just one of those times where you cant give up, and you have to have a little faith. Im pretty sure I got this, but a little help never hurt ;)


1 comment:

  1. I love this! and i love you! im praying for you dear! i hope things start to look brighter soon :)
