About Me

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Michigan, United States
So...Im just a girl at the age of 18, trying to figure out my life. Out of High School and not knowing where to go next, I hope that this blog will help me discover what Gods purpose is in my life, while adding a little humor and Gabi-like fun into my entries. I know I want to do something in life where I can express myself, because thats important to me. I have a huge imagination that I want to be able to use in this world, and I hope my Alice In Wonderland inspired blog is just another step in helping me do so.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sometimes...I hate thinking.

Deep in thought today. Woke up late cause I went to bed super late (I just HAD to watch SAW) I didn't get to sleep until like...i don't know 2 a.m.? So not like me. So i attempted to climb out of bed into a full day of no accomplishment. When Im not busy doing something, I start to think. This can be good...but in this case it was bad. Unfortunately I found myself thinking nothing but negative. I feel trapped here sometimes. With my inability to drive at the moment, I have no where to go unless my Grandparents go somewhere, then I end up tagging along for a "thrill" when mainly its just grocery shopping. Sometimes, like today, I think "When is my life going to start? When will I have some responsibility and actually feel like i'm an adult?" I need this job, I feel like if I don't get it i'm back where I started. I have a loving boyfriend in my life, but for now I don't get to see him. I have many amazing friends, but getting out here is hard for them as well. I need to take action and get going. I feel like i'm in a race. Life shouldn't be a race, but today I feel like it is. I always try to live by "taking life slowly and enjoying the ride..." but how can I enjoy the ride when Im not on one? Its like this...Im waiting in the longest most boring line at cedar point, one so long I cant even see the end, and I want to ride the ride so badly. 
I guess I discovered something new today, I am NOT the type that can sit around the house doing next to nothing and enjoy it. Im the type whose dream is to get out there and go. Right now I cant, but maybe tuesday will be the end of that line, and I can finally sit down and enjoy the ride. :)


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