About Me

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Michigan, United States
So...Im just a girl at the age of 18, trying to figure out my life. Out of High School and not knowing where to go next, I hope that this blog will help me discover what Gods purpose is in my life, while adding a little humor and Gabi-like fun into my entries. I know I want to do something in life where I can express myself, because thats important to me. I have a huge imagination that I want to be able to use in this world, and I hope my Alice In Wonderland inspired blog is just another step in helping me do so.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Jitter Bugs

An answer to prayer has arrived, I have a job interview! Woo to the Hoo! This is excellent news of course. This whole time I have felt like my life wasn't going to start until I got a job and was making money for myself, thats why i'm really pulling for this job to go through. When I spoke on the phone to the dude, he was all like "Hey, so what are you interested in?" and asked me multiple questions, and I responded very openly, trying to give him an idea that I would work whenever and do whatever. Im that desperate. Don't giggle though, because when Im "rolling in the dough" you can SHOVE IT. 
Thats not my point...my point is, i suddenly realized how nervous I am! Im pretty confidant that if I give them a lot to work with, and I arrive at the interview with my bubbly, outgoing self instead of my shy side, I can land this job! Im just nervous because between me and the world of blogger....THIS WOULD BE MY FIRST PAYING JOB. Also, I have NEVER worked a cash register...also i'm really quite terrible at math and making change. So, you see where my worry comes from? Yesh. Well it wont stop me, I have to go in there with my head up and just be as confidant as I can. They have no reason NOT to hire me...if they called me for an interview they MUST need me...and it will help that i'm not enrolled in school and i'm quite flexible. This is it!

Pharmacy Interview: Tuesday Feb. 1st at 2:00 PM 

Photograph by Nuno Benavente, one of my new favorites



  1. I am so excited for u!!! i will set an alarm so i will b sure to pray for u at that exact moment! and dont worry about the cash register thing....they teach you exactly how to do it and they will help you. heck people who work at mcdonalds who have never been through high school can work one lol nothing against ppl who work at mcdonalds but im just saying......anyyyywaaaayyy u will do amazing with that amazing personality of yours! love u!

  2. aweee I love you too! Thanks lys I need all this encouragement, your such a great friend and a blessing in my life :)

  3. aw gabs! ur gonna me cry haha :) same to you too u r AMAZING! and ur gonna take the world by storm!
